Kewenangan Pemerintahan Desa Dalam Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil

  • Moh Saleh


The village is the smallest organ in the constitutional structure in Indonesia weremoreawareof the condition andpotential of coastal areasandsmall islands in Indonesia. Therefor, Village Governmentdulyauthorized by theDistrictin the province ofEast Java in the utilizationand supervision to increaseutilization of coastal areasandsmall islands andmay affect for improvingrural welfare. Authorizingthe use andsupervision should be basedon thecriteriaspecified in article 8 GovernmentRegulation number 43/2014, Whichshould be directlyable toimprove servicesand community empowerment. Delegation ofauthorityon control and utilization to thecoastal areasandsmall islands must also complywith therequirements set out in Act 6/2014 and Act 27/2007.

Keyword :Coastal AreasandSmall Islands, Delegation ofAuthority, Village Government.


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