HUKUM BISNIS2025-02-02T20:21:36+07:00BAMBANG Journal Systems<p>e-Jurnal Hukum Bisnis merupakan Jurnal elektronik hukum yang berisikan artikel ilmiah, essay hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat, dalam bidang hukum bisnis, hukum ekonomi syariah, hukum perdata, hukum pemerintahan dan hukum kenotariatan. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Program studi Magister Hukum, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Narotama Surabaya. e- Jurnal Hukum Bisnis terbit Tiap 6 Bulan yaitu Bulan April dan Bulan Oktober.</p> <p> </p> HUKUM PADA ANAK YANG MENJADI KORBAN KEKERASAN SEXSUAL DILINGKUP KELUARGA2025-02-02T20:21:04+07:00Heri<p>Nowadays there are many victims of violence experienced by children, so the author wants to discuss legal assistance for children who are victims of criminal acts of sexual violence in the family environment. To analyze the extent of legal assistance to children who are victims of criminal acts of sexual violence in the family environment. This research uses normative legal research methods. By using normative legal research methods, researchers focus on studying the application of norms or rules in positive law which are then linked to with the problems that are the main subject of this research. Protection for victims of sexual crimes, namely the existence of prevention efforts or efforts to overcome them after the crime occurs, protection in these legal efforts. By providing supervision/protection from various threats that would endanger victims. Then there is providing adequate medical assistance. A form of legal protection for children who are victims of sexual violence by getting treatment and opportunities in accordance with their needs in various areas of life, so that in providing legal protection for children by the government it must be based on the Principles of Children's Rights, namely respect, and protection of children's rights.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## JAWAB PIDANA BAGI APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA KARENA TURUT SERTA MELAKUKAN TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI YANG DILAKUKAN OLEH PEJABAT ATASAN2025-02-02T20:21:11+07:00I Made<p><em>This research examines whether civil servants can be prosecuted for participating in corruption crimes committed by their superior officials and what legal measures can be taken to avoid prosecution for participating in corruption crimes committed by their superior officials.</em></p> <p><em>This research is a research using descriptive analytical specifications. To clarify this analysis using the approach method: Legislation (statute approach); Conceptual approach (conceptual approach); The case approach.</em></p> <p><em>In the case under investigation, ASN subordinates must accept and be convicted of committing a criminal act of participating as referred to in Article 55 of the Criminal Code.</em></p> <p><em>Therefore it is very important for ASNs to know and understand the steps, and what legal or non-legal remedies can be taken by subordinate ASNs to avoid criminal proceedings and the impact of criminal acts that they will experience.</em></p> <p><em>When an ASN feels or can predict that the order of their superior has the potential to become a corruption law problem, the ASN should have the courage to refuse the order of their superior so that the ASN is not burdened with responsibility for dealing with criminal corruption that has occurred. It is better for ASN to conduct legal consultations with competent parties before carrying out orders from superiors that have the potential to become criminal law problems for corruption.</em></p> <p><em><u>Keywords</u></em><em>: ASN, Special Crimes, Corruption, Article 55 of the Criminal Code (participating)</em></p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PERADILAN PERDATA MELALUI E-COURT BERDASARKAN PERMA NOMOR 7 TAHUN 2022 TENTANG PERUBAHAN ATAS PERMA NOMOR 1 TAHUN 2019 TENTANG ADMINISTRASI PERKARA DAN PERSIDANGAN DI PENGADILAN SECARA ELEKTRONIK2025-02-02T20:21:16+07:00Mochamad Rusli<p><em>ABSTRACT</em></p> <p><em>Progress in the field of information technology has progressed so quickly that it has affected every aspect of life. This information and communication technology makes a big contribution in making it easier to carry out activities such as communication, disseminating and searching for data, teaching processes and is used to support the effectiveness of an organization. This development also touches on legal issues which indirectly influence the process of administering justice in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on all sectors and aspects of Indonesia, including the justice sector. Adaptations are made to adapt to existing conditions, one of which is E-Court which can be said to be a new legal product in the legal system in Indonesia whose implementation cannot yet be said to be optimal, but is required to adapt to the conditions of the country which is experiencing a health emergency due to Covid-19 pandemic, regarding this matter also in the implementation of settling civil cases in court via E-Court, whether it can realize the principles of simple, fast and low-cost justice. And in this case, to adapt to conditions following the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has updated the regulations regarding E-Court, namely Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2019, updated with Supreme Court Regulation Number 7 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2019 concerning Electronic Administration of Cases and Trials in Court. This PERMA was officially promulgated by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Indonesia on October 10 2022. There are several updates to the contents of the article, including a very contrasting one regarding electronic case administration services that can be used by other than registered users, but can also be used by other users. Other users are legal subjects other than registered users who are eligible to use SIP (Court Information System) with rights and obligations regulated by the Supreme Court. This research will look at the position of Perma Number 7 of 2022 which regulates the digitalization of civil justice through E-Court and legal protection for parties in civil justice through E-Court in accordance with Perma Number 7 of 2022, and is expected to be a contribution to knowledge for society.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: e-court, Perma</em></p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENETAPAN LP2B: MASALAH HUKUM DAN IMPLIKASI PADA KETAHANAN PANGAN NASIONAL2025-02-02T20:21:25+07:00Ihwanun Mudhofir<p>Penetapan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (LP2B) merupakan salah satu strategi utama untuk menjaga keberlanjutan sektor pertanian dan mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional. Namun, dalam implementasinya, kebijakan ini menghadapi berbagai tantangan, khususnya dalam aspek transparansi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji masalah hukum yang berkaitan dengan transparansi dalam penetapan LP2B serta implikasinya terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, penelitian ini menganalisis kerangka hukum, praktik implementasi, dan dampak regulasi terhadap pengelolaan LP2B. Data diperoleh dari kajian dokumen, meliputi peraturan perundang-undangan, jurnal ilmiah, dan laporan resmi, yang dianalisis secara deskriptif-analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun regulasi LP2B, seperti Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2009 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 1 Tahun 2011, telah memberikan landasan hukum yang kuat, pelaksanaannya di tingkat daerah masih menghadapi berbagai kelemahan. Kurangnya transparansi dalam proses penetapan LP2B, minimnya partisipasi masyarakat, dan adanya konflik kepentingan menjadi faktor utama yang menghambat efektivitas kebijakan ini. Selain itu, kasus alih fungsi lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum masih marak terjadi, yang berakibat pada berkurangnya luas lahan pertanian produktif. Kondisi ini mengancam keberlanjutan produksi pangan nasional dan memperburuk ketahanan pangan, terutama di tengah meningkatnya kebutuhan pangan akibat pertumbuhan penduduk. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya penguatan transparansi dalam penetapan LP2B melalui pelibatan masyarakat, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk pengawasan, dan penegakan hukum yang lebih tegas terhadap pelanggaran. Selain itu, integrasi kebijakan LP2B dengan rencana pembangunan wilayah menjadi kunci untuk mengurangi konflik antara kebutuhan pembangunan dan perlindungan lahan pertanian.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan, transparansi, alih fungsi lahan, ketahanan pangan, hukum agraria.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## GUBERNUR SEBAGAI WAKIL PEMERINTAH PUSAT DALAM MELAKUKAN EVALUASI TERHADAP PERATURAN DAERAH KABUPATEN/KOTA TENTANG RENCANA TATA RUANG WILAYAH2025-02-02T20:21:28+07:00Siti Sundaricoensundari@gmail.comRusdianto<p>The evaluation of the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) by the Governor aims to ensure that spatial policies at the district/city level are not only in accordance with local interests, but also support the national development agenda and maintain balance between regions. Compliance with national policies means that every policy taken by the regional government must be in line with the laws and regulations set by the central government. In its implementation, the evaluation process often faces several obstacles. Problems arise, there are differences in interpretation of regulations between the central and regional governments, and resistance from district/city governments who feel that their authority is being intervened. There is a conflict of interest between the central government, provincial government and district/city government in the preparation of the RTRW. In this case, the Governor must be able to balance the interests of the various parties in carrying out his evaluation duties. So it is necessary to emphasize a strong basis in terms of the limitations of the Governor's authority as a Representative of the Central Government in evaluating the Regency/City Regional Regulation on the Regional Spatial Plan, and it is necessary to know the legal consequences of the Regency/City Regional Regulation on the Regional Spatial Plan that are not in accordance with the results of the Governor's evaluation as a representative of the Central Government.</p> <p>Keywords: Authority of the Governor; Governor's Evaluation; Evaluation of the Regional Spatial Plan.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DAERAH NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2016 TENTANG BANTUAN HUKUM UNTUK MASYARAKAT MISKIN DI KOTA SORONG2025-02-02T20:21:32+07:00Rauf<p>Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2016 Concerning Legal Aid for the Poor in Sorong City in providing free legal aid for the poor in reality has not been able to run well because of deviations in its practice. These deviations can still be found at the beginning of the criminal trial process, making exceptions, making replies, pleas, in examining witnesses and in carrying out other defenses. The obstacles experienced by the Legal Aid Institution in providing free legal aid for the poor in the criminal trial process at the Sorong District Court, there are internal and external obstacles, namely internal obstacles from the legal counsel themselves and external obstacles from the public prosecutor, judges and the community who receive legal assistance. Overcoming the obstacles experienced by Advocates in providing free legal aid for the poor can be overcome with 3 legal factors as a solution, namely, the legal substance factor, legal structure and legal culture.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##