IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)
<div> <p><strong>IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)</strong> eISSN <a title="eISSN" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1503361906" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2597-4785</a> pISSN 2<a title="pISSN" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1503361625" target="_blank" rel="noopener">597-4750</a> is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of <strong>Entrepreneurship and Business Development,</strong> welcomes submissions of the following article types:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Papers: reports of high-quality original research with conclusions representing a significant advance, novelty or new finding in the field.</li> <li class="show">Topical Reviews: written by leading researchers in their fields, these articles present the background to and overview of a particular field, and the current state of the art. Topical Reviews are normally invited by the Editorial Board.</li> <li class="show">Comments: comment or criticism on work previously published in the journal. These are usually published with an associated Reply.</li> </ul> <p><strong>IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)</strong> publishes 6 issues in a year</p> </div>LPPM of NAROTAMA UNIVERSITYen-USIJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)2597-4750Export Diversification and Business Startups in Africa
<p><em><strong>Purpose:</strong> </em>This study examines the impact of export diversification on new business formation.</p> <p><em><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong></em> Using an instrumental variable approach within a count data framework that relies on a panel dataset of 10 African countries (Algeria, Gabon, Lesotho, Morocco, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia) observed between 2008 and 2018 annually, the evidence shows a non-trivial effect of export diversification on business start-ups. In particular, the odds of a new business being registered increase by 1.7 – 3.5 times in response to a percentage point increase in export diversification.</p> <p><em><strong>Findings:</strong></em> This result reinforces the need for supportive policies aimed at moving away from concentrated export baskets towards more diversified ones to leverage entrepreneurial effort in the selected African countries.</p> <p><em><strong>Paper type:</strong></em> Research Paper</p>Brian Tavonga Mazorodze
2024-11-302024-11-30761059107410.29138/ijebd.v7i6.2768Exploring the Challenges Faced by Small Insurance Brokers in Achieving Sustainable Growth: A Case Study in Botswana's Insurance Industry
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study assesses the challenges faced by small insurance brokers in Botswana, focusing on regulatory dynamics, market conditions, financial constraints, technological disparities, consumer preferences, marketing limitations, distribution challenges, service constraints, and training needs.</p> <p><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> An online questionnaire was distributed to 50 small insurance brokers in Botswana, with a response rate of 70%. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 key stakeholders, including regulators and customers, to gain deeper insights.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The findings highlight significant barriers such as complex regulatory procedures, limited access to capital, technological challenges, consumer biases towards larger firms, and inadequate marketing and distribution channels.</p> <p> <strong>Research limitations/implications:</strong> The study's limitations include a focus on a specific geographic region and the reliance on self-reported data, which may introduce biases.</p> <p> <strong>Practical implications:</strong> The study underscores the need for streamlined regulatory processes, innovative financial solutions, digital transformation, customer-centric strategies, and strategic partnerships.</p> <p><strong>Originality/value:</strong> This paper provides actionable insights for stakeholders to support the sustainable growth of small insurance brokers in Botswana, fostering a more inclusive and robust insurance sector.</p>Maalila Malambo
2024-11-302024-11-30761075107710.29138/ijebd.v7i6.2769Entrepreneurship and poverty reduction; opportunities and challenges. A case study of Lusaka district of Zambia
<p>The study was prompted by high poverty levels in Lusaka despite several poverty interventions in place. Respondents for the study were drawn from beneficiaries of poverty reduction intervention through stratified random sampling and structured questionnaires where used. Descriptive statistics were employed with results indicating that 97% of respondents categorized themselves as poor. The reason provided for the status quo was inability to generate enough income for normal livelihoods. An exploration was then done on the role of entrepreneurship with respective challenges and opportunities in increasing incomes and contributing to poverty reduction. Content analysis of literature was done and results highlighted major huddles to entrepreneurship development as access to finance challenges, undeveloped markets, lack of supportive infrastructure and low entrepreneurial competence. This was in the midst of favorable environment supporting the thriving of entrepreneurship. Recommendations were to remedy identified challenges which if implemented, could lead to thriving entrepreneurship and poverty reduction.</p>Martin Chimbala Mwansa
2024-11-302024-11-30761078108510.29138/ijebd.v7i6.2814Relationship Between Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Ambidexterity: Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation
<p>The literature in management sciences highlights the importance of entrepreneurial orientation as a lever to enhance productivity, competitiveness, and strengthen the position of companies. Globally, businesses are increasingly investing in developing their innovation capabilities to meet the demands of the digital economy and the "Smart Life" era. In this context, the absorptive capacity for knowledge, as well as the ambidexterity of exploration and exploitation, play crucial roles. However, current research does not yet clearly specify the causal links between these concepts. This study aims to determine how absorptive capacity influences innovation ambidexterity, considering the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation.<br>Based on a positivist epistemological approach, this work relies on a literature review and the results of three exploratory studies. This leads to an explanatory model of the relationships between absorptive capacity and innovation ambidexterity, tested on 258 entrepreneurs and project holders in the ICT sector in Tunisia, operating within a "Smart City." The results show that absorptive capacity enhances innovation ambidexterity, with a significant mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation.<br>Key words: Absorptive capacity, ambidexterity, innovation exploration, innovation exploitation, entrepreneurial orientation.</p>Rahma HAMDI
2024-11-302024-11-30761086109610.29138/ijebd.v7i6.2984The Effect of Value Co-Creation, and Corporate Image on Building Customer Loyalty Toward Apartment Contractor
<p>The purpose of this study is to create strategy for apartment contractors to build loyalty of apartment developer by examine customer satisfaction as mediator between corporate image, vccreation with customer loyalty in the Indonesia apartment construction industry. Current study is conducted in the apartment construction industry in Indonesia. The population for this study is apartments developer in Indonesia. To accomplish main purpose, the data were collected from project managers of apartment developer firms in Indonesia. Online questionnaires were distributed and total of 316 respondents’ data were collected and analysed. Respondent data was processed using SmartPLS for hypothesis testing. The results shows that customer loyalty significantly influenced by their satisfaction, corporate image, and vccreation. The result also reveals that customer satisfaction mediate the relationship between corporate image, vccreation and with customer loyalty. Furthermore, the research results also found that corporate image, vccreation and positively influence satisfaction.</p>Augustinus SetijantoSarwono HardjomuljadiMega Waty
2024-11-302024-11-30761097110810.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3004The Influence of Work Family Conflict, Workload On The Female Employee Performance Surabaya Health Office With Work Stress As An Intervening Variable
<p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong>The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of work family conflict, workload on the female employee performance Surabaya Health Office with work stress as an intervening variable.</p> <p><strong><em>Design/methodology/approach: </em></strong>The data collection technique used to fill out a questionnaire using the Saturated Sampling method which was distributed to the sample population of 48 female civil servant (PNS) as respondents. 53 questionnaires were distributed and 48 questionnaires were filled and processed using the SEM-PLS application.</p> <p><strong><em>Findings:</em></strong>. Finding the research results show that work family conflict there is a positive and not significant influence on female employee performance, workload there is a positive and not significant influence on female employee performance, work family conflict there is a positive and significant influence on work stress, workload there is a negative and not significant influence on work stress, work stress there is a negative and significant influence on female employee performance, work family conflict there is a negative and significant influence on female employee performance with work stress as intervening variable, and workload there is a positive and not significant influence on female employee performance with work stress as intervening variable.</p> <p><strong><em>Paper type: </em></strong>Research paper</p>Aprilina Gayuh ArniningtyasAgus Sukoco
2024-11-302024-11-30761109112310.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3010The influence of work environment and work facilities on Employee Performance With Work Motivation As an Intervening Variable
<p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong>To analyze the effect of work environment, work facilities on employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable.</p> <p><strong><em>Design/methodology/approach: </em></strong>This research approach uses quantitative research, Saturated Sampling method, the population in this study is the technical team of the Health Sector of the Surabaya City Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office with a total of 40 people, the measurement scale in this study uses a Likert scale, The data analysis used in this study used static methods with SEM PLS modeling.</p> <p><strong><em>Findings: </em></strong>These findings reveal that work facilities have had no significant influence on employee performance, while the work environment has a significant influence on performance. However, work facilities have a significant influence on employee performance through work motivation as an intervening variable..</p> <p><strong><em>Originality/value: </em></strong>This research contributes to understanding the factors that influence employee performance. The results of this study confirm that although work facilities do not have a direct impact on performance.</p> <p>Furthermore, work motivation plays an important role in improving employee performance as a significant intervening variable between work environment and work facilities on performance.</p> <p><strong><em>Paper type: </em></strong>Research paper</p>Anna AnnaAgus Sukoco
<p class="6AbstractText"><em><strong>Purpose:</strong></em> <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">This study discusses the role of spirituality and religiosity in predicting integrity moderated by the religious involvement of local government auditors.</span></p> <p class="6AbstractText"><em><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong></em> <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Data collection was conducted by distributing paper-based questionnaires to 122 local government auditor respondents in two regions in West Java, Indonesia.</span></p> <p class="6AbstractText"><strong><em>Findings:</em> </strong><span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">This study found that spirituality and religiosity have a positive and significant relationship with auditor integrity.</span></p> <p class="6AbstractText"><em><strong>Research limitations/implications:</strong></em> <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Inspectorate in two regions in West Java, Indonesia.</span></p> <p class="6AbstractText"><strong><em>Practical implications:</em></strong> <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Spirituality and religiosity will increasingly influence the integrity of auditors when accompanied by the auditor's religious involvement.</span></p> <p class="6AbstractText"><strong><em>Originality/value:</em></strong> <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Religiosity and spirituality have a significant influence on auditor integrity. However, religious involvement only moderates the relationship between religiosity and integrity, not spirituality and integrity.</span></p> <p class="6AbstractText"><strong><em>Paper type:</em></strong> <span style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Research paper</span></p>DINIYAH AULIA FITRIDEDI MUHAMMAD SIDDIQ
2024-11-302024-11-30761137114610.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3013Work Discipline and Social Capital in Influence Workload and Employee Performance Abstract AI Regional Planning and Development Agency of North Kalimantan Province
<p><em><strong>Purpose:</strong></em> to explain the Work Discipline and Social Capital in Influence Workload and Employee Performance Abstract AI Regional Planning and Development Agency</p> <p><em><strong>Desain / Metodology / Approach:</strong></em> Substructural Path Equation Analysis I, The Influence of Work Discipline on Workload</p> <p><em><strong>Finding:</strong> </em>The research design uses an explanatory design using mediating variables, namely variables that mediate the relationship between the explanatory variable and the response or dependent variable.</p> <p><em><strong>Practical Implication:</strong></em> The research aims to determine work discipline and social capital in influencing the workload and performance of employees of the Regional Planning and Development Agency of North Kalimantan Province.</p> <p><em><strong>Originality / Value:</strong></em> This Paper is Original</p> <p><em><strong>Paper Type:</strong></em> Research</p>Agretha AgrethaZainur HidayatAna Sriekaningsih
2024-11-302024-11-30761147115710.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3018The Influence of Compensation, Competency and Workload on Employee Performance Surabaya Health Office with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
<p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong>The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of compensation on job satisfaction, competence on job satisfaction, workload on job satisfaction, compensation on employee performance, competence on employee performance, workload on employee performance, job satisfaction on employee performance, compensation on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable, competence on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable, and workload on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at the Surabaya Health Office.</p> <p><strong><em>Design/methodology/approach: </em></strong>This research uses quantitative data with data collection techniques using questionnaires via Google Form. The research population was all ASN of the Surabaya Health Office with a sample of 56 respondents taken using a simple random sampling technique. The data analysis method uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS).</p> <p><strong><em>Findings: </em></strong>The results showed that the compensation variable had an influence on job satisfaction, the competency variable had an influence on job satisfaction, the workload variable had an influence on job satisfaction, the compensation variable had no influence on employee performance, the competency variable had an influence on employee performance, the workload variable had no influence on employee performance, the job satisfaction variable had an influence on employee performance, the compensation variable had no influence on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable, the competency variable had no influence on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable, the workload variable had no influence on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable</p> <p><strong><em>Paper type: </em></strong>Research paper</p>Dhian WulandariAgus Sukoco
2024-11-302024-11-30761158117210.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3014The Influence Of Competence And Work Environment On The Performance Of Family Planning Counselors (PKB) In Surabaya City With Work Motivation As An Intervening Variable
<p><em><strong>Purpose:</strong></em> This study investigates the influence of competence and the work environment on the performance of Family Planning Counselors (PKB) in Surabaya, with motivation as a mediating variable. It aims to identify critical factors impacting PKB performance and provide recommendations for improvement.</p> <p><em><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong></em> The study employed Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) to analyze data collected from 38 PKBs in Surabaya. Data were processed using SmartPLS 4, focusing on the relationships between competence, the work environment, motivation, and performance.</p> <p><em><strong>Findings:</strong></em> Competence and the work environment do not significantly influence performance directly. However, both variables significantly impact performance indirectly through motivation, with mediating effects of 64.6% and 16.8%, respectively. Motivation emerged as a critical factor in enhancing performance, emphasizing the need for holistic development strategies.</p> <p><em><strong>Research limitations/implications:</strong></em> The study is limited to PKBs in Surabaya, and the findings may not be generalizable to other regions or sectors. Future research should explore additional variables and broader samples.</p> <p><em><strong>Practical implications:</strong></em> Organizations should prioritize motivational strategies, competency development, and supportive work environments to enhance employee performance effectively.</p> <p><em><strong>Originality/value:</strong></em> This study highlights the mediating role of motivation in linking competence and the work environment to performance, providing insights into optimizing human resource strategies for public service organizations.</p> <p><em><strong>Paper type:</strong></em> Research Paper</p>Mira MardianaDewie Tri Wijayati WardoyoAnang Kistyanto
<p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong><em>This research aims to examine the impact of human resource competency on work productivity within the footwear industry, which is characterized by its labor-intensive nature and the necessity for skilled employees to enhance both effectiveness and efficiency in production.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Design/Methodology/Approach: </em></strong><em>The study employs a quantitative approach, gathering questionnaire data from a diverse group of respondents to assess the influence of competency on work productivity. Regression analysis is utilized to quantify the level of impact that employee competency has on productivity, allowing for a detailed exploration of this relationship.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Practical Implications: </em></strong><em>The findings reveal a positive influence of employee competency on productivity enhancement, underscoring the critical importance for industries, particularly those that are labor-intensive like the footwear sector, to invest in the development of worker competencies. By doing so, these industries can improve their competitive edge and operational efficiency, leading to better overall performance and sustainability in the market.</em></p>Totok Yulaidin
<h5>Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the behavior of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). The behavior of using Personal Protective Equipment consists of government regulations, company policies, and employee compliance.</h5> <h5>Design/methodology/approach: This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection techniques include questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis tool used is regression and path analysis with SPSS application.</h5> <p>Findings: The results of the study show that government regulations, company policies, and employee compliance do not have a significant effect on the behavior of using PPE by workers. Additionally, government regulations and employee compliance do not have a direct significant effect on OSH implementation. However, the behavior of using PPE and company policies have a direct significant effect on OSH implementation. Indirectly, government regulations have a significant effect on OSH implementation through the behavior of using PPE. This study contributes to enriching the understanding of the factors that influence the implementation of OSH in the forestry industry</p>Dadan Herman DarusmanTitin RulianaSayid Irwan
2024-11-302024-11-30761192119910.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3020The Influence Of Work Stress, Work Motivation, Work Environment On The Performance Of Health Workers In 24-Hour Non-Inpatient Community Health Centers In Wonocolo District, Surabaya With Job Satisfaction As An Intervening Variable
<p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong>his study aims to analyze the influence of work stress, work motivation, and work environment on the performance of healthcare workers at 24-Hour Non-Inpatient Community Health Centers in Wonocolo District, Surabaya. The study also explores the impact of these three factors on job satisfaction and examines the role of job satisfaction as an intervening variable in the relationship between work stress, work motivation, and work environment on the performance of healthcare workers. This research adopts a quantitative approach using a survey method with 90 healthcare workers as the sample. Data collection was conducted through questionnaires, and data analysis was carried out using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study indicate that out of ten hypotheses tested, three hypotheses were accepted. Work stress has a significant negative effect on healthcare workers' performance (P = 0.000), work motivation has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction (P = 0.001), and the work environment has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction (P = 0.003). Other hypotheses, such as the direct effects of work stress, work motivation, and work environment on performance and job satisfaction, were rejected as they did not meet the significance threshold of P < 0.05. The limitations of the study include the small sample size and the use of questionnaires, which may be influenced by respondents' subjective bias. Future research is expected to involve a larger sample and additional variables.</p> <p><strong><em>Design/methodology/approach</em>: </strong>The technique for collecting data involved using questionnaires that were completed through the Saturated Sampling method. These questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 90 healthcare workers at the Community Health Centers in Wonocolo District, Surabaya, and the data was analyzed using the SEM-PLS application.</p> <p><strong><em>Findings: </em></strong>The results indicate that work stress negatively affects the performance of healthcare workers. Work motivation does not considerably impact the performance of healthcare workers. Also, the work environment has no major influence on their performance. Work stress does not noticeably affect job satisfaction. On the other hand, work motivation has a positive effect on job satisfaction. What's more, the work environment plays a major role in determining job satisfaction. Job satisfaction, however, does not considerably affect the performance of healthcare workers and does not act as a mediator in the relationship between work stress, work motivation, the work environment, and healthcare worker performance.</p> <p><strong><em>Originality/value: </em></strong>This study contributes to understanding the factors influencing healthcare worker performance at the Surabaya Regional Health Laboratory. It highlights that while work stress negatively impacts performance, work motivation positively affects job satisfaction, and the work environment significantly influences job satisfaction. However, job satisfaction does not substantially impact performance and does not mediate the relationships between work stress, work motivation, the work environment, and performance. This insight emphasizes the need for targeted strategies to address work stress and motivation to enhance employee outcomes<strong><em>.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Paper type: </em></strong>Research paper</p>Andry PribadiAgus SukocoJoko Suyono
<p>The mobile smart water supply infrastructure powered by renewable energy in Errabu Village, Sumenep, Madura, Indonesia, aims to enhance agricultural food security. This system integrates smart technology and renewable energy to optimize water resource management and support agriculture in impoverished and underdeveloped areas. Mobile and Smart Concept, allows flexibility in water distribution, enabling access to hard-to-reach areas. Utilizes sensors and IoT devices to monitor and manage water usage efficiently. Renewable Energy, utilizes solarenergy to operate the water supply system, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Enhances sustainability by reducing carbon emissions and environmental impact. Solutions for Dry Land, employs water-saving drip or sprinkler irrigation technology to boost productivity in dry lands. Optimizes water usage for agriculture, thereby increasing yields on previously unproductive land. Food Security, with better access to water, farmers can enhance their agricultural output, contributing to local food security. Enables farmers to grow a variety of crops, increasing food diversity and income. Social and Economic Impact, enhances the capacity of local farmers through training and access to new technologies. By improving agricultural yields, it is expected to reduce poverty levels in the village. Implementation and Collaboration, collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and the community is necessary to design and implement this system. Seeking funding sources from the government or donor agencies to support the development of this infrastructure.</p>Ach. Desmantri RahmantoHopid HopidCholilul ChayatiMuhammad Ikhsan SetiawanMade KamisutaraAdi Prawito
<p>Purpose: This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of ownership structure on occupational safety and health disclosure in mining companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in 2020 - 2022 through the perspective of stakeholder theory.</p> <p>Design/methodology/approach: The research method uses a quantitative approach with secondary data totaling 54 annual reports obtained using purposive sampling technique and data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression.</p> <p>Findings: This study shows that foreign ownership and managerial ownership have significant positive influence on occupational safety and health disclosure, while institutional ownership has no influence.</p> <p>Practical implications: The results of this study can be a consideration for the management of the company to design what is the right strategy regarding how the management maximizes the value of the company which will indirectly increase the benefits of managers who are also owners of the company.</p> <p>Originality/value: This research is able to explain the factors that influence accupational safety and healt disclosure</p> <p>Paper type: Research paper</p>Muhammad Agiansyah FathurohmanSekar Ayu Dimas SavitriSiti Jubaedah
<p>Road construction is very much needed in an effort to improve the regional economy, open access to the distribution of goods/services & people as well as in regional development efforts. This activity requires technical and economic planning to ensure that the activity is feasible to carry out. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the economic feasibility of constructing the Tanjung Keramat (HM. Agus) road in East Kutai Regency. This analysis uses the compound interest calculation method, Net Present Value (NPV) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). The results obtained from the BOQ and RAB calculations showed that the total construction costs were Rp. 46,600,000,000.00. The results of the present value calculation over a 20 year life of construction costs + routine & periodic maintenance costs are Rp. 65,677,946,740.00. The results of calculating the benefits of Vehicle Operational Costs (BOK) for BENEFITS' current value are IDR 276,921,095,567.00. The results of the economic feasibility are declared "WORTH IT" to run because the results of the calculation of the NPV value are IDR 276,921,095,567.00 > than 1 and the BCR value is 4.22 > 1 NVP>1 so that the investment in road construction is a "WORTH IT" investment to carry out.</p>Tukimun TukimunRobby MarzukiDevita Rizky Anggraeny
<p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Purpose</strong>–This study aims to find and analyze the influence of intrinsic motivation variables on employee performance, extrinsic motivation variables on employee performance, and dominant influences.</p> <p><strong>Design/methodology/approach</strong>–Explain the research design, research methodology</p> <p><strong>Findings</strong>–The results of data processing show that there are six indicators of intrinsic motivation variables that are valid and reliable, namely activity, challenges at work, responsibility, self-potential ability, ability to learn new things, and achievement. For extrinsic motivation, there are four valid and reliable indicators, namely recognition, work facilities, relationships.</p> <p><strong>Practical implications</strong>–The result is that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation have a significant effect on employee performance, with a positive relationship. The more intrinsic motivation employees have, the better they perform. Management can pay attention to factors such as activities, challenges in work, responsibilities, self-ability, ability to learn, and achievements.</p> <p><strong>Originality/value</strong>–This paper is original</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and employee performance</p>ENNY ISTANTI
2024-11-302024-11-30761237124710.29138/ijebd.v7i6.2946Analysis Employee Expenditure, Goods and Services Expenditure, Capital Expenditure on the Financial Performance of Regional Apparatus Organisations in Supporting Sustainable Development of the Bangkalan Regency Government
<p><em><strong>Purpose:</strong></em> This study was conducted to test and analyse the effect of Personnel Expenditure, Goods and Services Expenditure, Capital Expenditure on the Financial Performance of Regional Apparatus Organisations in Supporting Sustainable Development of the Bangkalan Regency Government.</p> <p><em><strong>Methodolgy:</strong></em> This research uses quantitative methods using 52 populations in 2021-2023 with a total of 156 samples.</p> <p><em><strong>Findings:</strong></em> The results of testing and analysis carried out, significant and positive results were obtained on the Employee Expenditure, Goods and Services Expenditure variables, while the Capital Expenditure variable obtained significant results with a negative value, which means that the higher the realisation of Capital, the lower the Financial Performance at 52 OPDs in the Bangkalan Regency Government in 2021 - 2023.</p> <p><em><strong>Paper Type:</strong></em> Research paper</p> <p> </p>Dimas CakraningratAgus Sukoco
2024-11-302024-11-30761248125710.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3015The Influence of Work Environment and Workload On The Employee Performance of Surabaya Regional Health Laboratory With Work Motivation As An Intervening Variable
<p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of the work environment and workload on employee performance, with work motivation as an intervening variable.</p> <p><strong><em>Design/methodology/approach</em>: </strong>The research utilized a Saturated Sampling method, distributing questionnaires to all 44 employees of the Surabaya Regional Health Laboratory. Data were processed using the SEM-PLS application.</p> <p><strong><em>Findings: </em></strong>The findings reveal that the work environment does not significantly affect employee performance, while workload has a significant impact on performance. The work environment significantly influences work motivation, as does workload. Moreover, work motivation significantly affects employee performance. However, neither the work environment nor workload has a significant effect on employee performance through work motivation as an intervening variable at the Surabaya Regional Health Laboratory.</p> <p><strong><em>Originality/value: </em></strong>This study contributes to understanding the factors influencing employee performance at the Surabaya Regional Health Laboratory. It confirms that while workload directly impacts performance, the work environment, although positive, does not significantly enhance performance. Furthermore, work motivation plays a crucial role in directly boosting employee performance, though it does not serve as a significant intervening variable between the work environment or workload and performance<strong><em>.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Paper type: </em></strong>Research paper</p>Muhammad IrfanAgus Sukoco
2024-11-302024-11-30761258127010.29138/ijebd.v7i6.3007Analysis of Employee Performance at the Murung Raya Village Office, South Banjarmasin District
<p><em><strong>Purpose:</strong></em> This study aims to find out and analyze the performance of employees at the Murung Raya Village Office, South Banjarmasin District.</p> <p><em><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong></em> This study is a descriptive analysis. The population in this study is all employees at the Murung Raya Village office, South Banjarmasin District. Sample withdrawal uses a saturated sample technique, where all populations are respondents in this study. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis.</p> <p><em><strong>Findings:</strong></em> The results of the study can be concluded that employees are able to position their abilities in the tasks given by their superiors to complete and be responsible for all these tasks.</p> <p><em><strong>Research limitations/implications:</strong></em> This research is limited to descriptive analysis so that researchers can further explore methods, techniques, and larger populations.</p> <p><em><strong>Practical implications:</strong></em> The performance of the employees has also been categorized as very good, because the performance they do is in accordance with the expectations of the superiors and what is applied so that the performance carried out goes well, in accordance with the expectations of the superiors at the village office.</p> <p><em><strong>Originality/value:</strong></em> This research is useful for the development of employee performance in the village.</p> <p><em><strong>Paper type:</strong></em> Research paper</p>rukman rukman