Analysis of Three Armed Signal Intersections With MKJI 1997 Method (Case Study Diponegoro Highway – Setia Mekar Street Bekasi District)

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Amar Mufhidin
Nurohman Nurohman
Muhammad Isradi
Hermawan Hermawan
Rifai Rifai


Bekasi Regency is a regency in West Java Province with a population of ± 3,899,00 Million People (Based on Statistics Indonesia, 2020). Diponegoro Highway – Setia Mekar Street Bekasi Regency is access to the main road to the city border, besides that access to residential locations, schools, and many companies which makes vehicle traffic especially during rush hour more congested by the activities on the side of the road such as slow vehicle, the ups and downs of passengers, so vehicles that stop causing long vehicle queues.

From the results of the analysis, the results of signalized intersection can be obtained on the Diponegoro Highway Setia Mekar Street Bekasi Regency. It is known that the greatest Degree of Saturation is in the Northen approach which is 1,12 with a average intersection delay is 99,21 seconds/smp. Furthermore, Alternative solutions is carried out by changing side obstacles from 0,94 to 0,95 and recycling time intersection, resulting in a decrease in the average intersection delay and improvement of indoporlen intersection services


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How to Cite
MufhidinA., NurohmanN., IsradiM., HermawanH., & RifaiR. (2022). Analysis of Three Armed Signal Intersections With MKJI 1997 Method. JTI nternational ournal of ransportation and nfrastructure ISSN 2597-4769 ISSN 2597-4734, 5(2), 64-70. etrieved from


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