The Development of the Central Business District (CBD) Based on Public-Private Partnership

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Agus Sukoco
M Ikhsan Setiawan
Iswachyu Dhaniarti
Cholil Hasyim


This research aims to develop a model of the development of the Central Business District (CBD) based on Public-Private Partnership. Objective is (1) To design a development model Central Business District-based public-private partnership (public-private partnership) through case studies in Surabaya (Suramadu Surabaya side managed by Badan Pengembangan Wilayah Suramadu), (2) Develop a feasibility analysis of the technical-economical (feasibility study) the development of Business Central District-based public-private partnership (public-private partnership) in Surabaya (Suramadu Surabaya side) managed by the BadanPengembangan Wilayah Suramadu, by mapping, identification-evaluation of the obstacles encountered, opportunities and strategies and formulations can be developed. Lease (HGB) 30 year Rp.500.000 /m2/yr; Sales 80%; Sales price /m2Rp. 15,000,000 /m2 (up 10%/yr); Management & Rental Public Facility 5% of sales revenue. Based on the analysis of the feasibility of investment in the CBD area pessimistic conditions, showed decent results with NPV Rp. 7,152,755,613,547, IRR 14.34%, 1.37 PI and PBP 17 years.


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How to Cite
SukocoA., SetiawanM., DhaniartiI., & HasyimC. (2017). The Development of the Central Business District (CBD) Based on Public-Private Partnership. JTI nternational ournal of ransportation and nfrastructure ISSN 2597-4769 ISSN 2597-4734, 1(1), 9-14.


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