The Impact Of The Price Of Cooking Oil On The Business Of Frying Crackers In Bangil Subdistrict, Pasuruan District
This study was conducted with the aim to determine whether the instability of cooking oil prices can affect the price of crackers and to know what are the factors that affect the price of crackers. The test results indicate that the instability of the price of cooking oil does not affect the price of crackers, because the average SMEs of frying crackers in the village of Kalianyar buy raw crackers from the producer or the crackers factory it self, frying poultry entrepreneurs also have their own way to overcome the price increase cooking oil. Factors that affect the price of crackers include raw materials such as fish, flour, employee salaries, fuel such as kerosene. The increase or decrease in the selling price of crackers depends on the producer or factory of the crackers themselves, because the majority SMEs of Frying Crackers in the village of Kalianyar do not make the crackers themselves, but instead buy raw crackers from the agent or manufacturer or factory of crackers. So that the entrepreneurs do not suffer losses if the raw materials of crackers have increased prices. Thus, the entrepreneurs crackers more follow the rules or prices determined by the agents or producers. So the entrepreneurs must be more careful to determine the selling price of the crackers they marketed, so that entrepreneurs do not experience losses at a price increase crackers.
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