Online Shop As New Way In Shopping In Students And Society Of Bangil Subdistrict Of Pasuruan District

  • Ninik Churniawati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Yadika Bangil, Pasuruan
Keywords: Online Shop, internet, innovation, shopping


The use of the internet increasingly popular in the eyes of the younger generation is no exception students. Students are a part of society that is very close to the problem of information access and internet world, online shop is a form of change that presented by the Internet in terms of innovation in shopping. On every occasion online shop become conversation by some of student, then what about student of STIE Yadika. Online shop provides various facilities in the transaction process whether it makes STIE Yadika students choose to use the online shop or other things that encourage students to choose an online shop as a way of shopping. Goals to be achieved (1) to describe the phenomenon of online shop among STIE Yadika students 2) to know the factors that encourage STIE Yadika students to choose how to shop by using the online shop. This study uses a qualitative method.

Data collection was done by observation, interview and documentation. The method of analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis method consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the online shop among students STIE Yadika provide various changes to how to spend. The change is not only in terms of shopping patterns but also a very visible change that changes in the use of online shop for some students who tend to always use the online shop as a way of shopping to meet the needs. Online shop has been replacing many conventional shopping model into an online shop. Online shop provides various facilities so that from 8 research subjects proved that 6 of them use online shop to meet the needs of students in using online shop services as a way of spending more emphasized the fulfillment of the need to buy goods such as clothes, bags, shoes and personal needs ainnya. As for the community using online shop services to meet the needs such as: children's needs, clothes and other needs. The use of online shop not only provide convenience but there are problems arising in the use of the disenchantment of students in using online shop services because the desired goods do not match the desired. Authors can advise students STIE Yadika who tend to choose an online shop to meet the needs should be a consideration for all those who use the online shop as a way of shopping for the needs, using a trusted official site and choose high quality goods when making transactions online shop. Online shop provides various facilities in the transaction process therefore it is suggested to the users of online shop services should be more observant use of these services and choose goods that can be used by the function of the goods.

Keywords: Online Shop,  internet, innovation, shopping


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