E- Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Magistra https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra <p>e-Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Magistra merupakan jurnal elektronik yang berisikan artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian di Bidang Manajemen pemasaran, manajemen keuangan, manajemen SDM, Manajemen Operasi dalam rangka menambah wacana keilmuan serta menjembatani problematik secara teoritis dan praktis sehingga terjadi konektivas teori dan praktek di bidang ilmu manajemen. jurnal ini dikelola oleh Program Studi Magister Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Narotama Surabaya.</p> <p>e-Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen MAGISTRA&nbsp; Terbit Tiap 6 Bulan yaitu Bulan Februari dan Bulan Agustus.</p> <p>Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi:<br>Kampus Universitas Narotama . Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No.51 Surabaya, Telp: 031-5910982 Fax. 031-5931213. email:agus.dwi@narotama.ac.id</p> en-US Wed, 11 Nov 2015 00:00:00 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENGARUH MOTIVASI, INSENTIF, DAN PENGEMBANGAN KARIR TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. TELKOMSEL GRAPARI PEMUDA SURABAYA https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/105 This research examined further about the effect of motivation, insentives, and career development at PT. Telkomsel Grapari Pemuda Surabaya. This study is based on employee dissatisfaction to the management of PT. Telkomsel about unpaid allowances resulted in a massive demonstration. Based on the purpose of the study, the methods used in this research are data analysis techniques by using multiple regression analysis. This analysis was used to measure the effect of independen about dependen variable. This research used questionnaires. This research was used SPSS 20.0 for windows. Result of this research showed that motivation variable and career development variable simultaneously affected to employee performance at PT. Telkomsel Grapari Pemuda Surabaya. This case was based on F-count 18,533 significant level 0,000. It meant that hypothesis said that motivational variable, incentive, and career development simultaneously affected to the performance of employee. As well motivational variables and career development partial effect to the performance of employee. Based on motivational variable it had T-count 4,539 and then for career development t-count 2,891 was greater than t tables 1,99656. For incentive variable did not partially effect to performance employee because t-count was less than t-count 1,991 <-tabel 1,99656. INDRA WARDHANA ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/105 Sat, 01 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH KEPUASAN KERJA, MOTIVASI KERJA DAN KEDISIPLINAN TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT. GARAM (PERSERO) https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/106 This research aims to examine and analyze job satisfaction, work motivation, and discipline to employee performance in PT. GARAM (Persero). Performance PT. GARAM (Persero) showed a decrease. The level of welfare provided by the company felt employees still less cause morale and work motivation of employees in the work down. Decrease in employee performance is also seen from the lack of discipline and responsibility in completing the work. This research was included in the census research. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. Samples from this research were all organic employees of PT. GARAM (Persero) in Surabaya office. By using multiple linear regression analysis of the results obtained in the overall regression coefficient of each independent variable include job satisfaction (X1) is 0.179; work motivation (X2) is 0.173; and discipline (X3) of 0,216 it shows a positive value on the performance of employees of PT. GARAM (Persero). Based on the test results calculated F value of 18.089 with significant value (sig) of 0.000. Because of significant value (sig) <5%, it means that the job satisfaction, work motivation, and discipline together / simultaneous significant effect on employee performance. Based on the results of t-test, the t value for the variable job satisfaction was 2.360 with a significant level of 0.021 (sig <5%). This proves that there are partial significant effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at the level of 95%. Likewise with variable work motivation and discipline in which each variable has a value significantly less than the rate of 5% is 0.043 for the work motivation variable t value 2.053 and significant level of discipline for a variable that is 0.011 with t value of 2.595. This proves that there are partial significant effect between work motivation and discipline to employee performance at the level of 95%. The discipline has a higher regression coefficient is equal to 0.216 when compared with the regression coefficient of 0.179 job satisfaction and work motivation that is equal to 0.173. Based on these explanations, it can be concluded that the discipline dominant influence on the employee performance of PT. GARAM (Persero) Hendra Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/106 Sat, 01 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0700 HUBUNGAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA KARYAWAN PT. BONGKAR EKSPRESS SURABAYA https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/505 <p>This study aims to rehabilitate the organization culture with job satisfaction that requires intrinsic on employees of PT. Unloading Express Surabaya and analyze relationships with organizations that require extrinsic to employees of &nbsp;PT. Bongkar Ekspress Surabaya.Hasil research shows the variable of the objective factor has a relationship with variable Y1 (intrinsic job satisfaction) of 0.652, the consensus factor variable has a relationship with the intrinsic work satisfaction of 0.669, the variable factor has an influence of 0.577, Influence of stock prices on the influence of stock prices. the influence of stock prices. the influence of stock prices. the influence of stock prices. the effect of the accuracy factor. In the variable of job satisfaction, the difference of the objective factor has an effect on the Y2 factor (job satisfaction) 0.612, consensus factual variable has an effect on the job satisfaction of 0.650, the factor variable has the effect of 0,522, the factor influencing the influence of stock price to stock price.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: organization culture, job satisfaction intrinsic, job satisfaction extrinsic</p> HARYONO HARYONO ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/505 Tue, 02 Aug 2016 00:00:00 +0700 STUDI TENTANG HUBUNGAN ANTARA KEPEMIMPINAN MOTIVASI DENGAN KINERJA PEGAWAI DINAS PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL KABUPATEN BONDOWOSO https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/506 <p>The purpose of the research is to find out the relationship between leadership with motivation and performance at the Department of National Education Bondowoso Regency research results show that the performance of employees of the Department of Education National Bondowoso no relationship with the leadership factor shown with the value -0.126 with probability of 0.971 and factors motivation has a significant relationship with the performance of employees of the Department of National Education Bondowoso District. This is indicated by the correlation coefficient value of 0.262 and the probability value (sig) 0.010.</p> <p>Keywords; Leadership, motivation, performance.</p> SUPARTO SUPARTO ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/506 STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUNJUNGAN WISATAWAN DI KABUPATEN PONORGO https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/507 <p>The purpose of the study is to provide an overview of the efforts or steps - steps taken by the Department of Tourism and Cultural Arts, in order to develop a strategy of tourism development in Ponorogo regency in order to have an attraction for tourists. The research method used is SWOT analysis. The result of the research shows the position of quadrant mapping and the direction of tourism development strategy can be known the position of Tourism and Cultural Office is in quadrant I. Therefore, the strategy according to the condition is aggressive strategy.</p> <p>&nbsp;Keywords: Strategy, SWOT, Aggressive, Tourism</p> SUPENO SUPENO ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/507 Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Kompensasi Kerja, Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bank di Surabaya https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/531 <p>This study was conducted to examine more in depth about motivation, incentive and career development at PT. Retirement Savings Bank in Surabaya. Data analysis technique used is using multiple linear regression. This analysis is used to measure the independent variables to the dependent variable. For data technique with kuisioner spreading. The result of research shows work motivation variable, work compensation variable and simultaneous job satisfaction to employee performance. This is reflected in the F-count of 2.711 significance level of 0.05 This means that the hypothesis that states simultaneously variable work motivation, work and job satisfaction that affect employee performance. Similarly, partially on employee performance. This is substituted for work compensation variable which has t count 2,468 bigger than ttable equal to 1,6682 at 5% significant level so that work have significant influence on employee performance. So with result of research above expected by management of Bank more emphasize aspect of work likes to employees to be more excited again in work. In addition to the aspects of work skills also see the aspect of motivation and job satisfaction from employees. So Loyalty and dedication of employees to be able to work well.</p> <p>Keywords: Work Motivation, Work Compensation, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance</p> RANDHY NOVIANSHAH ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.narotama.ac.id/index.php/magistra/article/view/531