The Effect Of Entrepreneur Orientation, Market Orientation, And Technology Orientation To Innovation Of Products And Quality Products (Empirical Study at Convection SMEsin the village of Tritunggal, Lamongan District)
The village of Tritunggal has three sub-villages namely Tesan Hamlet, Grogol Hamlet, and Hamlet Beton. The convection household industry located in Tritunggal Village produces various types of t-shirts, sporting costumes, jackets, tablecloths, nightgowns, school uniforms, marchendis, and various handicrafts and souvenirs that utilize waste from the local village convection industry. Supported by around 143 small and medium-sized convection industries, this business has become a regional superior product with its marketing area that has penetrated regional and national markets and even its existence has penetrated the export level. The problem faced by MSMEs in Conventional Village Convection is the weakness of the technology sector that makes production and marketing costs high, and this is also supported by the low entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation they have. This research is associative causal, Analytical technique used is path analysis (Path Analysis). The results showed that empirically the variables of entrepreneurship orientation and technological orientation, no significant effect on product innovation variables while market orientation variables significantly influence product innovation variables. the result of research also shows that simultaneously the variation of entrepreneur orientation, market orientation, technological orientation and product innovation have a significant effect to the quality product but parisally only the market orientation variables that have the effect of 0.605 ² = 0.366 or 36.60% to the product quality variables through product innovation variables .
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