Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Di Sepanjang Pembangunan Jalur Lintas Selatan Di Kabupaten Tulunggung
The existence of many beaches along the South Traffic Line (JLS) Tulungagung, add to the beauty of the scenery along the road and already many visitors who came, but not yet managed optimally. JLS is a tourism potential that needs to be developed that can play a role "Multi Player Effect" that is tourism that can move other sectors such as: the agricultural sector, handicraft industry, clothing industry, various services sector, and so on. Potentials owned by JLS should be read as an opportunity to do development in various aspects of life for the welfare of people's lives, one of which is through the development of JLS as a tourism object. Tourism development is expected to provide benefits for the community according to Law no. 10 Year 2009 which says the existence of a tourism object in a region will be very beneficial among others the increase of Original Regional Revenue (PAD) The purpose of this study Want to Know the Strategy of Tourism Development throughout JlS in Tulungagung.Tehnik pengumpula data: Observation, Interview, and Documentasi.Tehnik Data analysis, data presentation, checking data validity, with SWOT analysis. The research results on the development of South Traffic Line tourism area is Aggressive maintenance strategy (Stability) is strategy designed to reduce the weakness to fill the existing opportunities.
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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan/Daerah
Undang – Undang No 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan
Undang – Undang No 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Penataan Ruang
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