Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik Di Kantor Sosial Kabupaten Ponorogo

  • Addin Andanawarih Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Narotama
Keywords: Public Service, Work Culture, House of Quality


The purpose of this study is to examine the results of evaluation / assessment index of community satisfaction, Social Office scored 62.25. this shows that the services that have been given by the agency Sosoial Office to the public have a quality C which means less good. In addition, based on the assessment of TP3 (Year of Public Service Improvement) Ponorogo Regency Year 2014, Social Office scored 60.78, which means that the given public services are considered not good. For that needed a strategy to improve public service at Ponorogo District Social Office. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to obtain an overview of the objective condition of public services conducted by the Ponorogo District Social Office. In this study, the analytical method used is House of Quality analysis (House of Quality / Quality). The results showed that the strategy that must be taken by the Social Office in improving public services is education and training of public services as an effort to improve the quality of employees of the Office of Social Affairs will improve the service more easily, quickly and accurately, the implementation of computer courses for employees will improve the quality of service more either because the services provided more quickly, Public Service info boards in the Social Office will make it easier for the public in obtaining public services, because the requirements are clear, clear costs and so forth, the improvement of work culture of the organization through the implementation of the work culture will improve the quality of services provided by the office social, public service socialization to society will improve the quality of public service because clarity of service can be realized.


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