Analisis Variabel-Varibel Pelatihan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Prestasi Kerja pada Karyawan Bank Jatim Madiun

  • Lucia Fransisca Latuperissa Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Narotama
Keywords: Instructor Capability, training content, training method, training member,staff Performance


This research performed to examined the influence among Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method  (X3), training member (X4) toward Staff Performance at Bank Jatim Madiun Branch. It’s used to measure how’s this Staff Performance could be increased and maintained through increased Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method  (X3), training member (X4)  variables. Based on this mention above, the objective which will be achieve by this research are : 1.  To know Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method  (X3), training member (X4) variable have significant influence toward Staff Performance.  2. To know that among variables of Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method  (X3), training member (X4), which one has the dominant influence toward Staff Performance.Based on the analysis result and explanation using Regression analysis, could be proved that the independent variable consist of : Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method  (X3), training member (X4), collectively has significant influence toward Staff Performance. This is proved by the each variable value of the Adjusted R Square is 0,739, which showed there’s significant influence between  independent variable to dependent variable, with the other word, the 1st hypothesis of this research accepted. The Spearman Correlation Coeficient also showed that in this models, which the independent variable consist of Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method  (X3), training member (X4) variables, collectively able to gave positively influence toward the Staff Performance, it means that if the independent variable has positively changed, Staff Performance will be positively changed too. If seen from t-Test Coeficient of each independent variable, Instructor Capability (X1) variable with  value at 2,890 and probability of 0,009, which means that from the four independent variable used in this model, then Instructor Capability (X1) variable has the most strong influence to Staff Performance at Bank Jatim Madiun Branch. By the result of this research, that the five independent variable consist of: Instructor Capability (X1), training content (X2), training method (X3), training member (X4)   variables have significant influence toward Staff Performance, then asked that Bank Jatim Madiun Branch Management, in order to increase and maintain it’s Staff Performance at Bank Jatim Madiun Branch  must emphasize to those four training variables.


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