Pengaruh Perilaku Masyarakat, Regulasi Dan Infrastruktur Persampahan Terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Kabupaten Ngawi

  • Hery Subagio Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Narotama
Keywords: Society Behavior, Regulation, Infrastructure and Household Waste Management


The problem of garbage in the area should be considered as a serious concern as may causes the wide range of environmental disturbances. The problem of garbage is partly due to the tendency of a consumptive The problem of garbage in the area should be considered as a serious concern as may causes the wide range of environmental disturbances. The problem of garbage is partly due to the tendency of a consumptive lifestyle people, especially the upper middle class people who prefer buying good packaging goods but cannot be  recycled.  Therefore in residential areas usually dominated by the packaging waste than the organic one. Generally, up to now, the public's view of the garbage is the rest of the human activities which  is unuseful and should be discarded . More often, they are willing to pay much money in order  to make the house free of trashes and throw them away from home regardless of what will happen next. 3R Efforts (Reduce , Re -use , Re - cycle) has not been fully realized and the people consider that the environmental hygiene is the Government Responsibility.Several factors such as the society behavior, the regulation of garbage and the waste infrastructure are (independent variables) the factors that may affect the household waste management (dependent variable). These factors are used as the further research object. This research is an explanatory research that is a research which is focus on the influence of the independent variable to the dependent one and examine the hypotheses formulated.Based on the results of the multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS data processing program , it is obtained that the equation Y = 0,082 + 0.607 X1 + 0,088 X2 + 0.116 X3 , which means that the regression coefficient value of each independent variables which includes the society behavior ( X1 ) The Regulation of garbage ( X2 ), and Infrastructure ( X3 ) shows a positive value to the Household Waste Management ( Y ). This relationship indicates that if X1, X2, and X3 variables changes ( increases ) the Y variable will also increase.


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