Analisis Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kedisiplinan Dan Kinerja Karyawan Pada CV Miza Mediatama Jember

  • Mimin Aristama Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Narotama


The condition of undisciplined human resources and the existence of equipment that has not fulfilled the needs of the company in carrying out the work of the consumer, the result is less satisfactory or not according to the specifications, then the company must rework the work until in accordance with the specifications desired by consumers. such events will obviously reduce profits because the work that is not in accordance with these specifications can not be reused so that the expected profit of the company is not appropriate. While this company has made various efforts to improve employee performance among them is to divide the employees in the working group and increase employee salaries. but the company does not yet know whether it has been effective in improving employee performance. resulting in a performance that is not optimal, based on it then the authors do research on the influence of compensation and motivation to discipline and employee performance on CV Miza Mediatama in Jember. The type of research used is quantitative research Because the population is very limited (30 employees), then all members of the population are also members of the sample, therefore this research is also called census research. Technique of data analysis used is path analysis, result of research show compensation have significant effect to employee discipline, compensation have significant effect to employee performance, motivation have significant effect to employee's discipline, motivation have significant effect to employee performance, discipline has significant effect to employee performance at CV Miza Mediatama in Jember.


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