MAGISTRA: Journal of Management
<p>MAGISTRA: The Journal of Management Science is an electronic journal that contains scientific articles on research results in the fields of marketing management, financial management, HR management, Operations Management and Entrepreneurship in order to increase scientific discourse and bridge theoretical and practical problems so that theoretical and practical connectivity occurs in the field of management science. This journal is managed by LPPM, Narotama University, Surabaya.</p> <p>e-Journal of Management Science MAGISTRA Published every 6 months, namely February and August.</p>LPPM of NAROTAMA UNIVERSITYen-USMAGISTRA: Journal of Management2442-4315ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI DISIPLIN KERJA PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL
<p>Work discipline staf of government is interest factor good or not service, no excepted staf of government work at secretariat of region to give service to regent. The purpose this research is to know factors to influence work discipline staf of government at secretariat of regent Pasuruan. This research do with give quisioner to respondent and then the answer be analised that is done test of validity with use tecnik corelasion <em>Product Moment </em>and reliability with use <em>Conbrach Alpha</em>, and normality test with P-Plot. Then data be analysed use factor analysis. From out put hypothesis test that work discipline staf of government at secretariat of region Pasuruan be influenced by three factor main as much as 81,996% with as follows :</p> <ol> <li>a) Leadership model to overload leadership pattern model, internal control, certain leader to take policy and human relationship that simultan to explain work discipline as much as 41,662%.</li> <li>b) Compensation, such as financial or non In this research such as service answere, treatment fair and punishment giving that simultan to explain work discipline as much as</li> </ol> <p>29,122%.</p> <ol> <li>c) Ability of staf explain work discipline as much as 11,212%.</li> </ol> <p>Then organization purpose no influence work discipline because only have component value as much as 0.394 (39,4%) less from 50%.</p> <p> </p>Achmad Mutohar
<p>Increasing the competitiveness Of UMKM will be established within a district area if the company faces large losses either from unused factory production capacity or unsold factory production capacity. A local company that is not pro-active will experience a downward shift in business competition to bankruptcy because of the national-scale companies to the international scale that control in the national economy. The results of this study is the development of UMKM in Pasuruan still faced with various problems such as production, sales and marketing in weak competitiveness of imported products. Other problems faced by UMKM, the need for increased government access related to licensing and bureaucracy as well as the high level of fees for licensing fees. With all the problems that exist, the national economic development potential becomes hampered. Although UMKM is said to be able to survive the existence of global competition but in the fact problems faced are still unresolved. This is because apart from indirect influence by the global crisis, UMKM also face economic problems that unresolved such as the problem of wage of labors, wage of employments and illegal levies business licensing in the face of global competition. Keywords: Increased competitiveness, UMKM Pasuruan District, National Economy and Global Competition.</p>Faroh Adibah
<p>Accreditaion of higher education represented the quality of private universities. The sentiment of first-year students in majoring management is very important to prevent students from returning to state universities. In BAN-PT Indonesia has 7 standards to evaluate accreditation of university. However, in this paper have result that first year students only see (start the most) 6<sup>th</sup> standard about financing, facilities and infrastructure, and information systems, 4<sup>th</sup> standard about resources, 5<sup>th</sup> standard about curriculum, learning, and academic atmosphere, and 3<sup>th</sup> standard about students and graduates . Based on these 4 standards, XYZ university needs to improve facilities and infrastructure, especially laboratories and wifi (6<sup>th</sup> standard). In addition, XYZ university must also improve 5<sup>th</sup> standard on students and graduates. 4<sup>th</sup> Standard and 3<sup>th</sup> standard have positive sentiments.</p> <p> </p>Qausya FaviandhaniDwi Ayu Lusia
<p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of CEO education and firm characteristics on firm performance. In this research CEO education is proxied by a dummy variable that have value 1 if a company is led by CEO with MM or MBA degree, and have value 0 if a company is led by CEO with non-MM or non-MBA degree. Firm characteristics includes firm size, leverage, and firm age. This research method is quantitave and analyzed with multiple linear regression. By using purposive sampling technique, this paper used 213 observation from 35 manufacturing companies that listed on Indonesia stock exchange during 2010-2017. The F test result shows that simultaneously firm performance is influenced by CEO with MM or MBA degree, firm size, leverage, and firm age. The t test result shows that companies led by CEOs with MM or MBA degree significantly have higher return on asset than companies led by CEOs with non-MM or non-MBA degree. Furthermore, the results show that firm size and firm age have positive significant effect on firm performance; and leverage has negatif significant affect on firm performance.</p>Rahmat SetiawanLila Gestanti
<p>The city of Surabaya was labeled as the first literacy city in Indonesia, various legal instruments and work programs were scheduled and implemented by the Surabaya City Library and Archives Service to realize the literacy city, including forming literacy villages in the villages of Surabaya City, forming more than 400 parks Read community (TBM) in RW7RT office and other public spaces, gather literacy activists, mobile libraries with 3 cars, Collaboration with NGOs in Surabaya to help campaign reading culture. NGOs were given 150 copies of book titles, school library competitions included primary school and junior high school equivalent each year, story telling for elementary school students and equivalent, Community Reading Park Contest in Surabaya city, outstanding facilitator and librarian competitions in 2016 "Arek Surabaya" village in collaboration with the Department of Population Control, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP5A). The result. From 2014 until 2017, Surabaya won various awards both at regional, national and international levels as a literacy city.</p>Abd. HamidYanuastrid Shintawati
2018-09-282018-09-2822110121Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dan Dana Alokasi Umum Terhadap Pengalokasian Anggaran Belanja Modal
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to know the influence of economic growth, the income of the original area, General Allocation Fund and partially against the budget Allocation and simultaneous capital expenditures (study of the district/city in East Java province year period 2013-2015) </em><em>the study is done with the nonprobability sampling.The total sample obtained by 26 district/cities in East Java.This research using the assumption classic.Analysis linear equation multiple, the determination and the hypothesis partial (T) and simultaneous (F) .To test T/partial significant obtained value 0,000 <</em><em>(a) </em><em>0,05. In all the variables free suggests that the local revenue and general allocation fund impact on the allocation of capital budget, while the economic growth will not affect budget allocation capital because the significance of the 0,153 ></em><em>(a) </em><em>0,05.While to test F/obtained the simultaneous significance 0.000 <</em><em>(a) </em><em>0,05 so all variable free impact on the allocation of capital budget.And from table coefficient in know that general allocation fund </em><em>(</em><em>X<sub>3</sub>) </em><em>influence most dominant against the allocation of budget of 0,617.</em></p>Ufi Rumefi