Effect Of Work Environment, Motivation Of A Work And Organizational Commitments To Performance Of Employees In Puskesmas

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Wulan Purnamasari


Based on previous studies the uncertainty of the work environment, work motivation and organizational commitment of employees of a government agency will have a negative impact on employee performance. Because if employees feel depressed about existing working conditions, they tend to avoid these conditions.

This study aims to determine the work environment, work motivation and organizational commitment to employee performance at Barengkrajan Health Center in Krian - Sidoarjo. By using multiple linear regression analysis the results of a constant value of 1.912 show the value of the variable (Y) if the independent variable is considered zero, meaning that if it is not influenced by work environment variables, work motivation and organizational commitment, the employee performance is 1.912. The value of the influence of the work environment and organizational commitment is positive, meaning that the higher the implementation of implementation in the work environment and strong organizational commitment within the Puskesmas, the higher the morale of employee performance in the Puskesmas. On the contrary the value of the effect of work motivation is negative, meaning that the work motivation of employees in the Puskesmas must be further improved, so that employees are motivated in their work and are eager to achieve the vision and mission in achieving the goals in the Puskesmas in the future.


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