• Dinda Fatin Masturoh Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Hary Moetriono Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: Bawean Island, Passenger Terminal, City of Gresik


Bawean Island is an island located in gresik city. one of the difficulties experienced by the community bawean own access to the city of gresik. where the distance between bawean with the gresik city is 120 kilometers and can only travel by sea or air. the high cost of using air transportation makes Bawean citizens choose to use sea transportation to travel to gresik city.

From the existing background then the authors do research. Analysis of customer satisfaction on passenger terminal services at gresik port. in this research using customer survey method of gresik terminal use Importance Performance Analysis.
The data needed in this study are primary data namely data obtained from the field directly using a questionnaire  nd secondary data, namely data in the form of a Passenger Terminal SOP, Departure Schedule and Transportation Ticket Production Schedule.

The results obtained in this study were 100 respondents that one of the factors that according to respondents is the top priority for quick improvement because it is not satisfactory, and these factors are considered very important for passengers that is officers are always alert to all possibilities when passengers go down with a level of performance and interest suitability 72.73% (importance weight = 429 and performance level weight = 312) While one of the factors that needs to be maintained because the implementation is appropriate, namely: the ability of officers to prepare parking areas and waiting rooms for passengers who are in ill condition (Ambulance) With a level of performance and importance 92.51% (importance level = 414 and performance level weighting = 383).


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