• Hyrnanda Era Dewanti Universitas Narotama
  • I Putu Artaya Universitas Narotama
Keywords: Decision to Buy, SNI Helm, Categorical Test


This research is qualitative descriptive by using an interview approach to a number of owners of two-wheeled vehicles who use helmets as a means of driving safety in several shops selling SNI helmets. To the riders who choose and buy SNI helmets, we would like to know what factors are their main considerations when deciding to buy a helmet and choosing a particular helmet brand. We have met 52 respondents or buyers at the helmet shop when they chose and bought SNI helmets. There are ten brands of SNI helmets that were chosen by respondents, these brands consist of: JBX Helmet Bogo, NHK R1 Solid, GM New Imprezza, KYT Hellcat, Zeus ZS 811, INK Adventure, AGV K3 SV, HJC RPHA, Arai RX, and the last Shoei XF. The analytical approach that we use to determine the best helmet according to the buyer's version at 18 helmet shops in Surabaya is the Categorical Test. The purpose of using this test tool is to know for sure some helmet brands that are idols or most liked by two-wheeled riders. The results of the analysis are in the form of a quadrant or a map that displays the helmet brand in detail. Based on the results of the Categorical test, it appears that the helmets of the KYT Hellcat and Arai RX brands are the two helmet variants that are most preferred by two-wheeled riders in the city of Surabaya. So it can be concluded that the two brands are the right choice according to the perception of two-wheeled riders in safety riding driving on the highway. The choice of the two brands according to 52 respondents was solely because of the more affordable price factor and the comfort factor when used while driving. It turns out that the results of the Category Test describe the decision variables that have the most role in the underlying decision to purchase helmets, namely Quality and Brand.


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