• zuhrotul hilmiyah universitas islam lamongan
  • Rasio Hepiyanto Universitas Islam Lamongan
Keywords: Concrete, Waste, Lead, Tin Slag, Compressive Strength


Concrete is a composite building material made from a combination of aggregate and cement binder. Tin Slag is a material that is buried a lot and tends to become waste because its utilization is still relatively small and not maximized. Researchers conduct research as if tin waste or called tin slag is used as a substitute for sand in a concrete mix design with the criteria for a mixture of tin waste as a substitute material is 5%, 10% and 15% of the weight of the percentage of sand. data analysis which includes planning and conducting research. The tested concrete is K-300 concrete using additional tin waste and its compressive strength will be compared with quality concrete using normal concrete mixture. From the research and discussion data, the researcher can conclude that the compressive strength test of concrete has a compressive strength value of 21.7 MPa for 5%, namely 20.76 MPa for 10%, which is 18.31 MPa for 15%, namely 18.12 MPa and concrete with 28 days of age concrete with a mixture of 0% got a value of 26.99 MPa, 5% got a value of 20.76 MPa, 10% got a value of 18.68 MPa, and 15% got a value of 19.68 MPa.


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