Job Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being as Employee Performance Factors in Educational Institutions

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Pudjiati Pudjiati
Saida Zainurrossalamia ZA
Dirga Lestari A.S


Purpose: This study aims to determine the factors that affect employee performance in higher education, consisting of job satisfaction and psychological well-being, where to produce high performance requires positive employee job satisfaction as well as the psychological well-being of employees in the institutional environment.

Design/methodology/approach: The research used in this study is quantitative research

Findings: There is a significant influence of job satisfaction and psychological well-being on employee performance at universities in Balikpapan or hypothesis 1 is accepted.  good job satisfaction will result in good performance as well and Good psychological well-being at work is when individuals have motivation, are involved in a job, have positive energy, feel happy with all the activities undertaken and last long at the job they are currently doing.

Paper type: Research paper


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