The management information system (MIS) which recently has been the primary need for the NU’s female organization, especially in the top level of leadership. The NU’s female organization has had private homepage (website), there for is needed the professional technician of MIS’s resource. So, in conducting this research, it is needed some information of management’s MIS of need, including technician’s information resource in order to conduct this study. The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the Management Information System (MIS) model at the level of the NU Leader of Muslimat NU expected. Type of research used is descriptive by some which using some top members of NU’s female organization as resources of information chosen by purposive sampling. Data is collected by questionaire, interview, and observation and then it analysed by descriptive method. Result of study indicated the management information system NU’s female organization consists that 12 units; 1 central unit names MIS department which needs 4 technicians minimally, and 11 sub MIS systems which consist of; 1) sub finance information system, 2) religious, 3) social, culture and environment, 4) health and society, 5) labor/manpower, 6) secretariat, 7) education and regeneration, 8) missionary, 9) economy and cooperation, 10) research and development, 11) sub information system of law and advocate.For implementing those kind of MIS’s model, the MIS technician must have some competencies such as they are able to design website, known and operate some computer hardwares, modems, servers, and internet installations.For operating those kind of MIS’s model, it is needed 15 MIS technicians with detail description; 4 technicians work in MIS department and 11 technicians are responsible in 11 units of the top of NU’s female organization.Based on the result of the study, it can be suggested that the top of NU’s female organization should account the existence of technician resource with their qualification, train and recruit and maximize the technician’s potency for NU’s female organization.
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