Decision Making Sistem Work Period Employee Using Profile Matching Method
Humans are social beings have a variety needs. To complete his needs, a person is required a job. Person can be an entrepreneur, employee, and government employee. In Indonesia, the majority of the population works as outsourcing employees in profession as work. However, in determining the extension of the employee's service period, it is necessary to have a system that can be a benchmark for the quality of employee work. The profile matching method is used in comparing one value profile with several other competency values so that good and precise calculation results are obtained. With this system, it makes it easier for decision makers in outsourcing companies to make decisions on employee service extension, as for the results of this study, companies have the best employee references determined from the calculation process at each stage of this method, and it is hoped that employees will be more motivated in working to provide the best performance to be worthy of an extension of the work period.
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