Inundation Prediction Model Based On Land Use in Krukut Watershed
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Purpose: Flooding is a problem in urban areas, particularly in the Krukut watershed. The causative factors are changes in land use, increased land conversion from dry land to watertight built-up land, and reduced water catchment areas. Various efforts to control inundation have been made, but the location of inundation has not been significantly reduced. As a result, a model is required to predict the occurrence of inundation so that it can be anticipated. This study will discuss a mathematical model for predicting inundation in the Krukut Watershed by considering rainfall, land use, and the drainage system.
Design/methodology/approach: Researchers gathered inundation data from trusted social media from 2010 to 2020, rainfall data from 2003 to 2018 from the Universitas Indonesia Campus station, and land use data from Citra Landsad in 2019. SPSS was used to analyze the data.
Findings: The analysis results show a solid positive correlation with the variable Building Open Area impermeable to inundation. According to the research findings, the inundation area is 0.17 km2. Compared to the EPA SWMM modeling results, the result is 0.21 km2 with a return period of 25 years, with an overall accuracy of 90,91% and a kappa accuracy of 67%. It means that the applied model produces an acceptable level of truth.
Paper type: Research paper
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