Published: 2022-11-30

Employees’ Engagement at Work: The Role of Workplace Health and Safety

Raiza Mae Calbonero Narciso, Hilbert S. Narciso


The Analysis of Regional Income on Economic Growth Lampung Province

Miswan Gumanti, Fauzi Fauzi, Citrawati Jatiningrum


Community Empowerment in Onion Waste Management Programs to Create A Circular Economy

Nina Ari Wahyuni, Ahmadi Susilo, Nugrahini Susantinah Wishnujati


The Role of Financial Statements using the Camel Ratio Method to Assess Financial Performance at BNI Banks Registered at OJK

Enny Istanti, Achmad Daengs GS, Ruchan Sanusi, Sutopo Sutopo, RM Bramastyo KN, Syafi’i Syafi’i


Soybean Imports in Indonesia

Rizky Junianto, Hary Sastrya Wanto, Markus Patiung


Factors Affecting Consumer Interest in Shopping at Mangga 2 Traditional Market Surabaya

Adityawarman M Kouwagam, Yusril Asril Nasir, Arasy Alimudin


Green Rural Infrastructure and Economic Recession, Research in China, USA and Europe, also Potential Future Research in Indonesia

Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan, Agus Sukoco, Dahlan Abdullah, Cut Ita Erliana, Paisal Halim, Syamsiah Badruddin, Hery Budiyanto
